Christian Hockenberger
Just noticed this different avatars thing on @aaronpk‘s website in relation to the content. Such a subtle detail, smart and simple.
Well done, Aaron. I hope it’s okay for you that I’ll do something with this inspiration π
Annual retrospective
So that was 2018
The new year is already a few days old now, so it's time for a quick review.

So what happened in good old 2018? There was quite a lot but I still have the feeling that I didn’t really evolve. I’m still the same guy, I haven’t outgrown myself. For me as an ambitious person, this is of course not satisfying. So I’ll leave the past year behind and plan to take bigger steps this year.
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I’ve successfully updated my website to #WordPress 5.0. No problems so far.
Until new year’s eve I’ll finish and upload my new theme I’m currently working on. The current theme was never been truly finished and that frustrated me so much that I lost my passion to write here. I expect to get back some publishing action here in early January.
My Son
School’s gonna rock
or even just not

My dear son is joining school next year after the summer vacation. Today there was an information evening for us parents at school so that we know what is in store for us and especially for our child. Of course, I already expected that I won’t like some things. I noticed with my brother Marc that, for example, letters are no longer pronounced properly. To make it easier for the children, it just sounds shitty. Or in general, the lessons. Even during my time at the school for my apprenticeship, I didn’t like the fact that so much had to be worked out by myself or in groups and then presented to the class without moderation by the teacher. The classic but effective frontal teaching was hardly ever used anymore.
Continue reading “School’s gonna rock”
In the past, I’ve rolled out version after version completely build up from scratch in a bi-weekly cycle. At that time I had the energy and time to do this, but no ideas and motivation for the contents.
Today I’d like to publish so much content, but I’m frustrated by the technical state of my website. I’m far behind my own plans.
It’s interesting how things can change completely but still leaving me unsatisfied behind.