Annual retrospective
2021 is also done
The second year in the pandemic and thus the second year that felt just skipped over

In a year in which hardly anything happened apart from the evil ‘C’ word, what should I write about in a yearly review? I’ll try to fight my way through on the basis of my given structure.
2021 in Germany
There were a few events in this country last year that I don’t want to leave uncommented.
Ahrtal Flood
In Germany, there was another “100-year-flood” in 2021. As climate change continues to progress, this will certainly happen many more times in the coming years and the term “100-year-flood” will lose its meaning through inflation. I remember well the floods on the Elbe in ’02 and ’13, then as now, there was incredible help from the population in the form of donations in kind and money and of course physically on site. The respective governments were overwhelmed then as now and made one mistake after another. And what became of the people and fates of that time has never been heard of again. I am curious whether the people from the Ahr valley will also be forgotten and we will never hear anything about them again.
Corona Politics
We have been accompanied by this crappy virus for 2 years now. It is beyond me why politics (at all levels) simply can’t get a grip on this pandemic. Why no lessons are learned from past mistakes and why there is simply no light at the end of the tunnel.
The infection figures are rising again to new heights, but countermeasures are becoming less and less. The main thing is that all people who cannot or will not understand and accept restrictions get their freedoms back so that they vote positively in the elections.
I also don’t understand people who do everything they are allowed to do. As soon as something is allowed again (e.g. visits to soccer stadiums), they immediately do it again. Personal responsibility? Nope! I don’t care, as before, what is allowed and what is not allowed. I take care of my own protection, I can’t feel sorry for others anymore. I will still wear a mask, even if I am the only one in the supermarket wearing one. And if it is wanted that everybody gets infected (“contagion”), then I don’t play along!
Elections 2021
There was another federal election. What a horrible election campaign that was in the run-up to it. Of course, the CDU’s top candidate, Armin Laschet, attracted particular negative attention. This person (I’m saving myself insults here because I’d rather invest my money in other things than in legal suits) completely failed with his appearances at the flood or in the verbal duels. I’m glad that the people who went to the polls didn’t elect Armin as chancellor and relegated him and his party to the opposition. -Which, after 16 years and everything that’s gone so wrong here was about time.
A coalition of SPD, The Greens, and FDP will be in power. I’m not a big fan of the Greens in particular, due to this party’s past and some really crappy leading members, but in combination, who knows, maybe that’s just right at this time. The problems that need to be addressed definitely need fresh, new approaches. Olaf Scholz as chancellor wouldn’t be my first choice either, but given the alternatives, it works out. It’s funny, though, that he looks like an excited little boy when he faces other heads of state.
2021 Private
The most drastic event for my family this year was without a doubt the loss of Sigrid, the mother of my wife, the grandmother of my children, and my cherished mother-in-law. My part was and still is to radiate normality/stability and to be there when I am needed.
Otherwise, I came through the year a little lazy. When my wife and the kids were at the Baltic Sea in August for a week without me, I got off my butt and properly tackled the construction site called garden.
In October, I had a 3-day vacation in Paris with my family, including Disneyland. The whole thing was a birthday gift for my son. I liked it very much but could have lasted longer.
After the summer vacations, my son changed schools for the 3rd grade, which was a good decision. He feels more comfortable at the new school and we believe that the teachers are better able to respond to the children. In addition, the school is closer to our place, so he can ride his scooter or bike alone.
2021 Professional
Not much has changed here in the past year. I still work four days from home and one in the office. The work-life balance hasn’t gotten any better yet, especially at the end of November and in December it got really exhausting again.
On a positive note, the apprentice, whom I had the opportunity to accompany in her final year of apprenticeship, passed her exams and thus her apprenticeship.
2021 Christian Hockenberger Online
I haven’t done much work on my website or published here in 2021 either. I’m preparing to be a kind of link tree site in the future and publish the German content on and the English content on, but I’m not ready for that yet.
I’ve also been working on an archive where filters for year, month, and keyword can be used to navigate to the appropriate content pretty quickly.
2021 Miscellaneous
- In the 2020 season, the Packers went to the playoffs in the top spot in the NFC, unfortunately, my team then failed to Tom Brady, one game before the SuperBowl
- The 2021 season is also going great for my Packers so far, but after the debacle last time I don’t have high hopes
- Zac Snyder’s Justice League is killing it! #RestoreTheSnyderVerse!!!
- Dune Part One by Denis Villeneuve is the best movie of the now 21-year-old century so far
- Because of his age, his sanity, and his sleepiness the USA got the worst president ever in my eyes with Joe Biden
- Also this year without any problems completely without alcohol and tobacco, basic Straight Edge in a manner of speaking ( absence of promiscuity goes by itself)
- I still could not find enough time for drawing
Reflection Goals 2021
- Surviving the pandemic as well as possible
Done, neither I nor my family have been infected and the year is over - Get vaccinated as soon as possible
Done, on May 27th I had the first vaccination, on July 3rd the second.
In 2 weeks I already have the appointment for the 3rd (booster) vaccination.
Goals 2022
There will be no return to normality (whatever that used to be) this year either, so I’m being rather spare with my self-imposed goals this year as well:
- Continue to get through the pandemic healthy and as well as possible
- Regular workouts
- Become more active
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