Christian Hockenberger

Dear Michael, I learned yesterday that you passed away.

Michael Gedenk

That affects me, makes me sad, it hurts. Not just because you’re the first friend who’s gone now, but mainly because you were such a good person and still way too young. You enriched the lives of everyone who knew you. Thanks for the great times. I will never forget them and especially you’ll be forever in my heart.
I regret that we have had far too little contact in recent years.

In the digital world you called yourself “Srybil”, I can only say as an farewell: Sorry, but you were never lame!

I wish the people who were closest to you a lot of strength.

I’ve just noticed in the Google Search Console at “Links to your website” that in addition to many things that make sense, the following is in place 30 of the anchor texts: “women from the east are looking for men”

I find that very interesting, at least now I have a page for it πŸ™‚

Tobias – May the fourth be with you

It is said that time heals all wounds, even in Tobias’ favorite song “Nur die Besten sterben jung” (Only the best die young – What irony!) there is a corresponding line. The only problem is: It is a lie! Surely one can deal with losses over time if they are not as unnatural as in accidents or in my case in murder. If the person who leaves is way too young to be able to say that he or she had a beautiful, fulfilled life. No, no time in the world heals that!

Continue reading “Tobias – May the fourth be with you”

One day after handing over their WordPress site to the client, I’m surprised to find out that you can change the font color in the middle of the text…? Allowing access to all menus and sidebars was also a stupid idea…

I should have made screenshots for my portfolio yesterday #fail

Four more years of Grand Coalition

So now we have a government again

And everybody's like, "Yeaahh!"

After a long back and forth, the grand coalition of CDU/CSU and SPD has now managed to form a government again. Yesterday, the Chancellor and her cabinet were sworn in for the benefit of the German people, so help them God. It’s a shame to imagine the positive aspects of a minority government, in which every decision has to be fought for a majority. In which it is not possible to simply bypass the majority and a “Keep it up!” would not be doable. That would have been a democracy.

Continue reading “So now we have a government again”


Privacy – the barriers for website operators are getting higher and higher

The new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force on May 25. While data protectionists can now celebrate themselves and think about what they can regulate even worsetighter, we simple people who just want to have a website running now have to seriously consider whether it’s even worth it.

Continue reading “Privacy – the barriers for website operators are getting higher and higher”

Black Lives Matter