
Okay, vaccinations. If I understand correctly (which is not that simple), the eldest are vaccinated first. Then the slightly less old. And in the third wave, first the nursing staff, teachers, cashiers, etc.

This seems to me to be completely the wrong way around!

My 8-year-old son is sick af, fever without limit… And the doctor? COVID test? Nope! He just doesn’t do it.

Why do I have the Corona warning app if I can’t warn anyone because I can’t know…?

It’s the same the other way around.

Everything is fucked!

22 weeks at home. Wife, kids, dog and me. Home office, homeschooling, and vacations. Tomorrow school starts again “normally” for now, my wife goes back to the office. Kindergarten starts the day after tomorrow. We’ll see how things settle in and how long the new normality will last.

I have taken the time at the weekend to eliminate some glitches on my website, especially in the mobile appearance. Furthermore, there is now finally a real homepage and dark mode support.

Every designer knows customers who send their logos as .docx. Today I got a logo as .xls. I never saw that before. #designerhell

Black Lives Matter