Christian Hockenberger

Ok, finally my private website is back online πŸ™‚ Still some bugs, but I’ll fix them in the next few days!

Yes, my time of active service in the german army is over, after 23 months I left the Bundeswehr on 08/31 2007.

Hauptgefreiter der Reserve Christian Hockenberger

It was a cool time, I was allowed to do some great things, among other things I got my driving license, and I also experienced a great fellowship for the most part and found new friends for life. – It was worth an experience, and since I always liked military nonsense, and I don’t want to be a civilian either, I’m now a member of the reserves.

My future path will be decided in the next weeks, so more about that next time.

HptGefr d.R. Hockenberger

#Bundeswehr #Wehrdienst #Soldat #Armee

Back in 1999, on the 5th of November, I put my private website online. I celebrate that event with this backdated testpost.

Princeofdune Banner 01

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