Christian Hockenberger

I have changed the theme of my website. “Themeberger Basic” is the new one, which I’ve developed as a side project during the last months. It’s not finished yet, but well, if I’m waiting for it, it never goes ahead. Soon there will be another child theme, which will bring this spartan representation into the form I want.

“All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.” Your memento will stay forever.

Rutger Hauer

Rutger Hauer
January 23, 1944 – July 19, 2019


Ohhh πŸ™‚ my two-year-old daughter just said: “you are my daddy and you are my best friend” <3

I wipe away a little tear and go on, to be a father, to be a friend πŸ™‚

#vaterfreude #joy #fatherhood #love #life

Black Lives Matter