
Okaaaayy… At home. Vacation. Nice! Tomorrow. Christmas. Sucks! Still have to go get one or the other gift. -With probably 239,482 other men at the same time in the same store ^^ Anyway, I wish you all a Merry Christmas.

Happy holidays to all of you my friends πŸ™‚

Please.. Don’t invite me to Fish/Farm/Anything Ville, Birthday-Apps and any kind of tests.. I will chose by my own what application I’d like to use!

I still love Google! πŸ™‚


The Google Story

A (very) quick look back at the Google story over the last 11 years. From Stanford to Mountain View and around the world, featuring many different products, starting with BackRub (Search) up to Google Wave, StreetView and Chrome.

Glass consists of sand, sodium, salt, and a few other things. But if you stick your tongue to the windowpane, you won’t taste it at all!

Black Lives Matter