
Year in review ’09: Generally boring, jobwise good, private well… For Germany: The year of violence. Conclusion: Good that it’s over!

I can still remember the fall of the Berlin Wall 20 years ago. I was a 5 years old child watching it on TV with my parents. πŸ™‚

Great article πŸ™‚



How To Get More Done As A Freelance Web Designer

When I finished University and started freelancing full time I found myself getting caught up with these daily tasks so I went about making some changes and trying to find a more effective way of dealing with them. Here are several techniques I use for getting more done.

Wave – Just another demonstration of how Google will make the internet much better – Watch the full video – – AWESOME πŸ™‚

First step on my way to bring out my new private website is to clean up the old one! – DONE –

Now I can set my focus on – Still have a lot to do with it. But I’m on the way!

Black Lives Matter