πŸ›οΈ CHO.BZ

Posts related to my website

I have changed the theme of my website. “Themeberger Basic” is the new one, which I’ve developed as a side project during the last months. It’s not finished yet, but well, if I’m waiting for it, it never goes ahead. Soon there will be another child theme, which will bring this spartan representation into the form I want.

Just noticed this different avatars thing on @aaronpk‘s website in relation to the content. Such a subtle detail, smart and simple.

Well done, Aaron. I hope it’s okay for you that I’ll do something with this inspiration πŸ˜‰

I’ve successfully updated my website to #WordPress 5.0. No problems so far.

Until new year’s eve I’ll finish and upload my new theme I’m currently working on. The current theme was never been truly finished and that frustrated me so much that I lost my passion to write here. I expect to get back some publishing action here in early January.

In the past, I’ve rolled out version after version completely build up from scratch in a bi-weekly cycle. At that time I had the energy and time to do this, but no ideas and motivation for the contents.

Today I’d like to publish so much content, but I’m frustrated by the technical state of my website. I’m far behind my own plans.

Christian Hockenberger Monogram

It’s interesting how things can change completely but still leaving me unsatisfied behind.

I’ve been tryingΒ to find the very first versions of my website for a long time now.

Today I found shamefully small screenshots of version 1-4.

2002_1 2002_2 2002_3 2002_4

It seems like the pages themselves are lost forever.


I’ve just noticed in the Google Search Console at “Links to your website” that in addition to many things that make sense, the following is in place 30 of the anchor texts: “women from the east are looking for men”

I find that very interesting, at least now I have a page for it πŸ™‚

First step on my way to bring out my new private website is to clean up the old one! – DONE – http://princeofdune.com

Now I can set my focus on chrisbergr.com – Still have a lot to do with it. But I’m on the way!

Umm. I kind of want to make a nice, exaggerated, detailed design again, not that 2.0 crap…

Well, whatever. Since my website has its 10th anniversary this year… I guess I can do something ^^
I’m doing nothing else with it.

Ok, finally my private website is back online πŸ™‚ Still some bugs, but I’ll fix them in the next few days! http://princeofdune.com

Black Lives Matter