
Thank you, Facebook for simply deciding that my carefully and elaborately maintained friend lists are not even close as important as your super great (irony!) pseudo-intelligent lists.
– Punch in the face for former extreme use of this site!

Cool, first I saw a gigantic orange thunderstorm close to Frankenthal and then also the phenomenon of ball lightning. This is something new πŸ™‚

More and more hats on the road, hard to ignore what is coming in three days. Now I have to place my car 200m further away, but it’s worth it πŸ™‚ -Somehow I already have Grabowsky in my ear.

Last night in Shenzhen, China. So… Before I start to pack my stuff in the bag, I’ll enjoy one last “Classic Club Sandwich” πŸ™‚

If Osama is in fact dead… That doesn’t change anything for now. But gratification is also something good! πŸ™‚ Good job, SEALS!

Okay… I’m going through the night, tomorrow at noon my flight to China leaves. Hopefully, I will sleep the unbearable 10,5 hours without cigarettes.

With elections coming up everywhere, political discussions, and all these dangerous things, I can only ask you my friends to do one thing: Do it right!

Black Lives Matter