
My daughter, in her “senior year” of kindergarten, has a huge crush on a boy in her group.
I figured that wouldn’t be a problem since that’s still the age that boys say “ewww, a girl”.

Well, my wife just wrote that he thinks it’s great.

In the middle of the Star Wars flight simulator, my daughter asks with an anxious voice “Mom, are we really in space?”
Oh gosh, that was cute πŸ™‚

Ohhh πŸ™‚ my two-year-old daughter just said: “you are my daddy and you are my best friend” <3

I wipe away a little tear and go on, to be a father, to be a friend πŸ™‚

#vaterfreude #joy #fatherhood #love #life

My daughter woke up because of a bad dream. She lost her balloons. Aww it’s so sweet to see what dreams she still has πŸ™‚

My Son

School’s gonna rock

or even just not

My dear son is joining school next year after the summer vacation. Today there was an information evening for us parents at school so that we know what is in store for us and especially for our child. Of course, I already expected that I won’t like some things. I noticed with my brother Marc that, for example, letters are no longer pronounced properly. To make it easier for the children, it just sounds shitty. Or in general, the lessons. Even during my time at the school for my apprenticeship, I didn’t like the fact that so much had to be worked out by myself or in groups and then presented to the class without moderation by the teacher. The classic but effective frontal teaching was hardly ever used anymore.

Continue reading “School’s gonna rock”

Black Lives Matter