
My daughter, in her “senior year” of kindergarten, has a huge crush on a boy in her group.
I figured that wouldn’t be a problem since that’s still the age that boys say “ewww, a girl”.

Well, my wife just wrote that he thinks it’s great.


checked in at Tiergarten Worms

Quality afternoon with my daughter πŸ™‚

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In the middle of the Star Wars flight simulator, my daughter asks with an anxious voice “Mom, are we really in space?”
Oh gosh, that was cute πŸ™‚

Ohhh πŸ™‚ my two-year-old daughter just said: “you are my daddy and you are my best friend” <3

I wipe away a little tear and go on, to be a father, to be a friend πŸ™‚

#vaterfreude #joy #fatherhood #love #life

My daughter woke up because of a bad dream. She lost her balloons. Aww it’s so sweet to see what dreams she still has πŸ™‚

Black Lives Matter